Why Wedding Planning is So Stressful?

Planning a wedding needs your love & commitment, it seems very exciting and meaningful cause after all it's your wedding but it can be very stressful. It is going to be the happiest time in your life, but to make it meaningful you need to work for it. The preparation can be confusing, disappointing and even a little bit shameful if not managed wisely. It seems very easy but planning a wedding can be really stressful and makes you without any fun in your own wedding. Let us find the reasons why wedding planning is so stressful and how to handle it. 

A Big Commitment

Regardless of how long your engagement is, planning a wedding is a big investment of your time & energy. There are endless decisions that you need to make like the venue, the guest list, the dress and it can't be broken down into some micro-decisions. Even if you cross one thing from your list, the other thing is waiting for your approval. So it is hard to feel, if you're actually making any progress. It is easy to get lost in all of these things, because of which most people feel confused and overwhelmed. Hiring a planner can alleviate some of the burden, so hiring the best wedding planner in India is not at all a bad idea as they can easily help to identify a few key decisions for you. They also help you to minimize the effort you spend on things that just aren't as important so you can have fun in your wedding. 

You Might Surprise Yourself

Before getting engaged, you maybe had expectations about what it would be like to plan your wedding or how you'd feel about your partner or marriage in general. For some people, things turn out exactly like they thought they would. Important life events like marriage can also bring up other unexpected & scrier emotions & thoughts, like fears about diverce or the idea that you'll only be intimate with one person. 

Expectations and emotions are running high

You’re probably not the only one who has high hopes for your wedding day. The people close to you might have their own ideas about who should be invited, where it should take place, how religious the ceremony should be, and their role in it. As good as their intentions usually are, family and friends can make the planning process more difficult, especially when your visions don’t line up perfectly. Worrying about letting someone down (like a friend who hopes to be a bridesmaid or relatives who expect to be invited) and dealing with actual or anticipated conflict can make the planning less enjoyable and make you feel like you have very little say in how the day goes.

We can understand it is difficult to handle weddings but the wedding planning companies in India can be really helpful. 

More info: Fiestroevents
