Fab Tips to Flaunt Fuller Eyebrows Just In Time for Your Indian Wedding!

Brows are indeed one of the most defining features on your face, and we are sure you would agree, won’t you? Every woman craves for a fuller and thicker eyebrows and when it is about the wedding, brows definitely have a great impact on the overall bridal look. They do not just help you express your emotions, they do define your face too! Of course, you can use makeup to fill those brows and achieve the look for the day, but the charm of naturally thicker and fuller eyebrows is undeniably irresistible. So, in order to help you get those wedding-ready eyebrows, here we have curated this blog that will offer you some fab tips so that you can flaunt fuller eyebrows just in time for your Indian wedding. Let’s dive in:

Massage your brows with oil and you are surely going to see a visible difference. It is important to begin a skin and face care regimen early so don’t wait till the end! You can opt any of the oils from coconut, olive or castor, and massage your brows in circular motions with a few drops every day before hitting the bed.

If you have ample time before your wedding, and you don’t have thicker eyebrows that you heartily desire to have, go for aloe vera gel. The enzymes and moisturizing properties of aloe vera gel will help your brows to grow faster and thicker. For effective results, make sure to use aloe in its natural form. So, you can scoop out some gel directly out of a leaf and rub it on your brows until the skin absorbs it. Leave it for time being, say 30-45 minutes and then rinse it off. You can repeat the process every day to get the best possible results.

It is also fairly important to understand the natural shape of your brows! Make sure never to tweeze your eyebrows just a day before your wedding in order to avoid any reactions. Also, it is a good idea to just get the extra hair plucked and not disturb the natural shape of your eyebrows. This will definitely help you to achieve that neat look and will beautifully highlight any eye makeup that you will wear on the wedding day!

If aloe vera gel seems to be bit time-consuming, go for milk! Milk is rich in proteins that will stimulate the growth of your eyebrows. This is indeed the easiest remedy and does not require any damn preparation! You simply need a small amount of milk and a cotton ball. Dip the cotton ball in the milk and rub it on your brows for effectively 15-20 mins. After that, rinse that off with the help of lukewarm water and repeat it whenever you wish!

Just make sure to start early and follow the regimen with the utmost discipline to see some awesome results! You can hire a wedding planner in India, who will help you choose the best makeup artist for your wedding. Fiestroevents is one of the top destination wedding planners in India who can guide you to have your makeup done from the top artist so that you can totally rock it on your big day!
