Fascinating Wedding Trends To Rely On In 2020

The first thing which comes in our minds when we hear about weddings is the ceremonies and rituals associated with it. The sentiments of the two families are involved in a wedding. Make sure that your wedding planner set a benchmark for your other cousins are still single.  There are various event management companies in Jaipur which are famous for organizing lavish weddings. “Fiestro Events” is a destination wedding planner and an event planner in Jaipur which has made its own name in this field. If you are looking for something totally fresh then ask your event planner to follow these 6 amazing wedding trends to follow in 2020!


How about having an environment-friendly wedding? Such kind of weddings is so much in trend which involves nature. By committing to zero waste, sourcing locally grew food, organizing floral ceremonies etc. ask your plan a wedding by focusing on the motto “Go Green”.


Keep your wedding ceremony very intimate by inviting your close friends and family members only. A destination wedding is one such good example of organizing a wedding of micro concept. The lesser the number of guests are, the more fun will be there. Also, the hosts of the wedding will be able to attend and give attention to each and every guest of yours. A celebration of this kind surely delivers big.  


Event planner in Jaipur should be thoughtful when it comes to deciding the menu of the wedding. It’s better to have lesser guests as the event management company will be able to include healthy yet delicious food items on the menu list. Say if someone is vegetarian but has any kind of food allergy, so as an event planner you’ll be able to take care of that.


Before finalizing the colour scheme of your wedding, decide your style. After that go for the selection of hues which are in trend and suits your vibes. Event management companies in Jaipur find a way to add a serious pop to your celebration. In 2020, you’ll get to see wedding hues like new millennial pink shades, earthy tones, and blue tones that will refresh your eyes and mind.


Flowers and weddings work hand in hand. But have you ever imagined eating florals? Yes, you read it right! “Edible Florals” will be of the biggest wedding trends in 2020. It comes in the form of frozen in ice-cubes, tossed in salads, sprinkled on tops of dessert etc. Pair your edible petals with dried flowers for a romantic effect.


As we have already mentioned, this year wedding season will be all about GOING GREEN. Instead of getting freshly chopped stems or grass, an event planner in Jaipur can give your wedding a colourful makeover. Get the venue sprayed in colours which add branches, trees, flowers. It can be easily done by adding texture and pops of colours like neon, frosted pastels etc. To add more fun to the decor by mixing dip-dyed petals to it.

All these 2020 wedding trends followed by various event management companies in Jaipur will bring your big day to the next level!
